The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. Today was a good run taking in four more peaks - that takes us to 30!!!! Three small ones left to complete the 32 (33) peaks. Wow its been a long road. We were out with JT and Iain today, which was great. As per usual when running with Iain some bundue bashing was called for! hahaha. It was my first run in my new New Balance trail shoes. I must say the shoes hung in there. No blisters!! Trust me- I took them through their paces today.
Both Andie and I were in our Line Break compressions. haha - today they were needed.
Tomorrow - you don't want to know. Plans have changed coz our Ironman buddies wanna run with us - back to the Greenbelt- haha - we are gonna be able to run the route blind folded! haha! I think we will have a jol though so i'm looking forward. After that we are officialy into taper!! wooo hoo
How Long Until Racing The Planet: Nepal
Countdown to Racing The Planet: Nepal
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Big One
I was very, very worried about today's run - I've been feeling very weak and flat the whole week, so I just decided no matter how bad I feel, I am just going to put one foot in front of the other and plod on until the clock hits the six hour mark.
I am soooo positive, I scare myself!!!! I decided to put one less litre of bottle of water into my pack than usual, just in case - and ran in my Linebreak compression shorts - also just in case.
We went back to "grabbing some peaks" today with the original team, myself, Rob, Janette and Ian. I felt good on the first two Peaks, because we were joking around, I must admit I had a lot of fun - I took some strain on the BlackHill side, as we ascended into the mist, my chest closed up a bit, but I just trudged on and eventually got there.
When we got back to the road - we decided that Ian and Janette would run back to the car while Rob and I ran towards Ou Kaapse Weg and try and get Bokkop in as well - Peak Number 30.
That peak was an easier climb up, but I got a little nervous coming down for some reason, we came down along the ledge and I felt a bit unsteady jumping from rock to rock - I'd land and then I'd feel the weight of the pack behind me land a split second later - its a weird feeling. From there we split up and Rob and I ran up Wagon Trail to Silvermine.
I haven't really been back to Wagon Trail - and more specifically Elephant's Eye - since my ankle incident - it was good to revisit it.
From Silvermine we headed towards another personal fear - Blackburn Ravine. We laughed on the way, because I actually met Rob and Carla registering for my very first trail run The Fisherman's Trail Challenge and I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY hated coming down Blackburn - I had no idea how to run it and I have never run DOWN BB ravine since. We started down - and I ended up having a lot of fun stomping down the mountain - I just relaxed and tried to concentrate on landing correctly!
Rob - half mountain goat anyway - had to wait twice for me to catch up, but it was so comfortable and the view is unbelievable.
We eventually got down to the road at 5:33 and made a slow way back home to finish at 5:59 (hows that for timing?).
I am sooo happy I got through it - got home and jumped back into my long tights - Just got to get through tomorrow and block weekend 3 is DONE
I am soooo positive, I scare myself!!!! I decided to put one less litre of bottle of water into my pack than usual, just in case - and ran in my Linebreak compression shorts - also just in case.
We went back to "grabbing some peaks" today with the original team, myself, Rob, Janette and Ian. I felt good on the first two Peaks, because we were joking around, I must admit I had a lot of fun - I took some strain on the BlackHill side, as we ascended into the mist, my chest closed up a bit, but I just trudged on and eventually got there.
When we got back to the road - we decided that Ian and Janette would run back to the car while Rob and I ran towards Ou Kaapse Weg and try and get Bokkop in as well - Peak Number 30.
That peak was an easier climb up, but I got a little nervous coming down for some reason, we came down along the ledge and I felt a bit unsteady jumping from rock to rock - I'd land and then I'd feel the weight of the pack behind me land a split second later - its a weird feeling. From there we split up and Rob and I ran up Wagon Trail to Silvermine.
I haven't really been back to Wagon Trail - and more specifically Elephant's Eye - since my ankle incident - it was good to revisit it.
From Silvermine we headed towards another personal fear - Blackburn Ravine. We laughed on the way, because I actually met Rob and Carla registering for my very first trail run The Fisherman's Trail Challenge and I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY hated coming down Blackburn - I had no idea how to run it and I have never run DOWN BB ravine since. We started down - and I ended up having a lot of fun stomping down the mountain - I just relaxed and tried to concentrate on landing correctly!
Rob - half mountain goat anyway - had to wait twice for me to catch up, but it was so comfortable and the view is unbelievable.
We eventually got down to the road at 5:33 and made a slow way back home to finish at 5:59 (hows that for timing?).
I am sooo happy I got through it - got home and jumped back into my long tights - Just got to get through tomorrow and block weekend 3 is DONE
Friday Night Frights
Friday's second session came after one of the toughest professional days that I've had at work, so I kind of knew that the run wasn't going to be the greatest.
I felt really weak, especially on the hills, but I wheezed, I inhaled from my inhaler, and eventually made it - I don'teven think I moaned that much...(well I guess that comes with not having air.)
I felt really weak, especially on the hills, but I wheezed, I inhaled from my inhaler, and eventually made it - I don'teven think I moaned that much...(well I guess that comes with not having air.)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Day 2 Block Week
hahahaha Stood outside the gate at 5am waiting for Andie... he is never late so I knew he was still curled up in bed. I gave him a wake up call .... i could here the panic in his voice. Anyway he told me he would run from home.
I ran off to meet John Legend at La Cuccina. John might have had a Red Bull this morning coz he took off like a man possessed. I hung in until the end of valley road... and then hinted to slow down on the way back hahahaha. It was a fun run this morning.
Yesterday's runs were good. Chappies in the morning a good solid run with gale force winds at the top. HECTIC!!!!!. At one point I was really hoping one of the guys would say "Hey lets turn around" - That's the problem with training with endurance dudes - NOBODY BUCKLES DAMMIT. Greenbelt last night was a great run for me - I always enjoy it. For some reason it seems to relax me when I'm there.
Andie is struggling a bit with his chest so we will have to keep an eye on that. I think it mainly from a sinus but mixed with a bit of asthma. The rest of the weekend runs should be at a slowish pace so should be able to control it but must be very careful to avoid a chest infection.
Woohoo - my boss has just brought me a plate of Lasagna for brekkie!!! He made it himself. I'm impressed. Thanks Bennie!!! Its awesome!!!
Greenbelt tonight, again.
Chat later
hahahaha Stood outside the gate at 5am waiting for Andie... he is never late so I knew he was still curled up in bed. I gave him a wake up call .... i could here the panic in his voice. Anyway he told me he would run from home.
I ran off to meet John Legend at La Cuccina. John might have had a Red Bull this morning coz he took off like a man possessed. I hung in until the end of valley road... and then hinted to slow down on the way back hahahaha. It was a fun run this morning.
Yesterday's runs were good. Chappies in the morning a good solid run with gale force winds at the top. HECTIC!!!!!. At one point I was really hoping one of the guys would say "Hey lets turn around" - That's the problem with training with endurance dudes - NOBODY BUCKLES DAMMIT. Greenbelt last night was a great run for me - I always enjoy it. For some reason it seems to relax me when I'm there.
Andie is struggling a bit with his chest so we will have to keep an eye on that. I think it mainly from a sinus but mixed with a bit of asthma. The rest of the weekend runs should be at a slowish pace so should be able to control it but must be very careful to avoid a chest infection.
Woohoo - my boss has just brought me a plate of Lasagna for brekkie!!! He made it himself. I'm impressed. Thanks Bennie!!! Its awesome!!!
Greenbelt tonight, again.
Chat later
I slept through my alarm this morning, and only woke up at five! Stumbled out of bed, pulled whatever clothes I could find on and went running on my own.
I was so very tempted to not take the pack, but thought about how guilty I would feel if I didn't.
My chest was quite sore,and I felt tired with not much energy.
I was so very tempted to not take the pack, but thought about how guilty I would feel if I didn't.
My chest was quite sore,and I felt tired with not much energy.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
First run of the block weekend
Well the first run of the block weekend wasn't all that great! Not sure if it's just the sinus issues of this week, or work, but this morning's run in the howling wind up Chappies was HARD!!! Made it through relatively unscathed, but ended up having a small asthma attack during this evening's run. Luckily I had my pump with me, but it was weird, there wasn't even enough breath to call out to tell Rob I had to stop.
Anyway, after that I was a bit kaput, but finished the run anyway.
Had my recovery drink and back to home to finish working.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Anyway, after that I was a bit kaput, but finished the run anyway.
Had my recovery drink and back to home to finish working.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Pre Block and a runny nose
hi quick note from my phone - I have come down with either a major case of sinus or the beginnings of a cold - my head just feels really boggy but have been able to do my run on tuesday and managed a swim after work tonight. work has been really busy this week, my project is being delayed so having to put extra time in before a block weekend is not ideal either but lets see what happens...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hi everyone
It was a busy weekend! Saturday was the Two Oceans 56km Ultra Marathon - I was quite nervous about it - its a deceptively hard run - quite flat for the first 28km, 2km of climbing Chapman's Peak (which was opened especially for the race), a quad burning section down the otherside, and then the real race starts when you hit the bottom in Hout Bay and start the climb the eventually leads up to Constantia Nek and then the last 10km of camber that takes you back to the finish at the University of Cape Town.
Carla was kind enough to use her first Saturday morning off from IronMan to get up at 4:30 drive us to the start in Dean Street where we met Chris and Linda and waited for the Half Marathon to get underway (I think there were about 13000 entrants for the Half) before we went down to the Main Road to enter our starting pens.
I think our race had about 7000 runners.
Rob & I were seeded in B group, we met Lisa there and chatted nervously while we waited for the countdown and the eventual start.
I always find the start a bit of a fight - you have to look for open gaps while trying to lock in your race pace as soon as possible. I must admit, we found it quite easily - inspite of slight technical difficulties with our watches - Rob initially reset his by accident and mine stopped after 30 minutes, so we never really had our full racing time, just splits per kilometer. Once we locked in our pace, we were actually quite disciplined about it and pretty much kept almost the exact splits for every kilometer except about five or six splits during the climbs.
Running into Hout Bay was a special treat for me - first time in Hout Bay Harriers kit and the supporters were pretty awesome I must admit.
We knew that the real race started once you hit the bottom of Chapmans but we worked well together in tackling the climb, and I think the mountain training really came in handy here.
For myself I broke it up into running from the bottom to the second circle by the Police Station, then from there to the Harrier group waiting mid way up the climb - I must admit, I was so into the run, that I really don't think I noticed everyone there, but thanks Carla the support was great - I think Carla may have been expecting me to get there in full Prince Of Darkness mode, but for the first time in a long, long time I was really having fun, and completely in the mood to race.
From the Harriers, the next section was the final and steepest section to the top.
We got there pretty much unscathed, and then tried hard to do the Math to try and figure out what time we were at. We knew as much that we most likely went through the marathon mark in a record time for both of us, but the end time was still a bit of a mystery. The first time I actually had an inkling of my finish time was when we got onto the field, and I saw the clock. For those of you that know, the finish at Two Oceans has got to be the longest finish of ANY race - that field is LOOOOONG.
We pretty much got in at 4:34 - it was cool to cross the line together!
Huge big thanks to Rob for the GREAT run - couldn't have done it without you bud!
(Next we look for yellow footprints in the desert ha ha)
And huge thanks to Carla for getting us there, and getting back in time to the finish to pick us up - the roads are closed, so to get back to UCT in time, you really need to haul ass!
Sunday was a gentle, slightly stiff and very slow stroll through the Constantia green belt, more a loosener than anything else. It also marks the beginning of 5 weeks until race day!!!
I am pretty pleased, I raced in my new Linebreak compression shorts, and I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I didn't cramp, its a weird feeling of your shorts kinds of holding everything together.
I spent the rest of Saturday in my spare set of tights, just for recovery!
Besides a little case of hayfever, I think I came out of the weekend okay.
Well okay for the Prince Of Darkness that is.
It was a busy weekend! Saturday was the Two Oceans 56km Ultra Marathon - I was quite nervous about it - its a deceptively hard run - quite flat for the first 28km, 2km of climbing Chapman's Peak (which was opened especially for the race), a quad burning section down the otherside, and then the real race starts when you hit the bottom in Hout Bay and start the climb the eventually leads up to Constantia Nek and then the last 10km of camber that takes you back to the finish at the University of Cape Town.
Carla was kind enough to use her first Saturday morning off from IronMan to get up at 4:30 drive us to the start in Dean Street where we met Chris and Linda and waited for the Half Marathon to get underway (I think there were about 13000 entrants for the Half) before we went down to the Main Road to enter our starting pens.
I think our race had about 7000 runners.
Rob & I were seeded in B group, we met Lisa there and chatted nervously while we waited for the countdown and the eventual start.
I always find the start a bit of a fight - you have to look for open gaps while trying to lock in your race pace as soon as possible. I must admit, we found it quite easily - inspite of slight technical difficulties with our watches - Rob initially reset his by accident and mine stopped after 30 minutes, so we never really had our full racing time, just splits per kilometer. Once we locked in our pace, we were actually quite disciplined about it and pretty much kept almost the exact splits for every kilometer except about five or six splits during the climbs.
Running into Hout Bay was a special treat for me - first time in Hout Bay Harriers kit and the supporters were pretty awesome I must admit.
We knew that the real race started once you hit the bottom of Chapmans but we worked well together in tackling the climb, and I think the mountain training really came in handy here.
For myself I broke it up into running from the bottom to the second circle by the Police Station, then from there to the Harrier group waiting mid way up the climb - I must admit, I was so into the run, that I really don't think I noticed everyone there, but thanks Carla the support was great - I think Carla may have been expecting me to get there in full Prince Of Darkness mode, but for the first time in a long, long time I was really having fun, and completely in the mood to race.
From the Harriers, the next section was the final and steepest section to the top.
We got there pretty much unscathed, and then tried hard to do the Math to try and figure out what time we were at. We knew as much that we most likely went through the marathon mark in a record time for both of us, but the end time was still a bit of a mystery. The first time I actually had an inkling of my finish time was when we got onto the field, and I saw the clock. For those of you that know, the finish at Two Oceans has got to be the longest finish of ANY race - that field is LOOOOONG.
We pretty much got in at 4:34 - it was cool to cross the line together!
Huge big thanks to Rob for the GREAT run - couldn't have done it without you bud!
(Next we look for yellow footprints in the desert ha ha)
And huge thanks to Carla for getting us there, and getting back in time to the finish to pick us up - the roads are closed, so to get back to UCT in time, you really need to haul ass!
Sunday was a gentle, slightly stiff and very slow stroll through the Constantia green belt, more a loosener than anything else. It also marks the beginning of 5 weeks until race day!!!
I am pretty pleased, I raced in my new Linebreak compression shorts, and I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I didn't cramp, its a weird feeling of your shorts kinds of holding everything together.
I spent the rest of Saturday in my spare set of tights, just for recovery!
Besides a little case of hayfever, I think I came out of the weekend okay.
Well okay for the Prince Of Darkness that is.
Howzit dudes and dudets
Sending this from the cell... so no spell check. Apologies. :)
Wow..what a weekend.
I was quite concerned with the lead up to Two Oceans, we had done 60km worth of running done during the week leading up to the race. The Friday morning i woke up to stiff and heavy legs. The whole time i told myself i must keep my eyes on the final goal and not worry about the race.....but ...... it would be a bonus if we could have a comfortable run and sneak in under 5hrs. Friday... this didnt look promising.
On Friday, Andrew gave me a pair of Line Break compression tights and socks..... well.... I think they worked!!!! I put them on for the whole of Friday and wore the tights under my race shorts on Saturday.
On Saturday when i woke up at 4:45 to get ready for the race i could feel my legs were already feeling better.
At 5:45 we were outside Nino's waiting to hook up with Chris Allan before race the start @ 6:25. At 6:20 we in the starting shute chatting to Lisa.
The goal was to run just under 5 mins per km the whole way. hahaha ........ the Nek @ 5 mins/km haha... right.
Technicaly we ran a great race, at no point moving away from our planned splits.... even when were tempted to race a little. km by km passed... chappies was a non event for us, before we knew it were running under the marathon mark @ 3:20ish. I knew then that a sub 5 was on the cards now.
Up the nek we went and passed the Hout Bay supporters... we definitely ran here! Once we were out of sight ... a short walk was called for...... alas..... caught on TV....the whole of SA saw us walking...hahahaha. From there we picked up the pace and finished in 4:34. It was a great day out. Andrew looked so easy the whole way!
Thanks to everyone who came to support... and Carla for all the driving around!!
Sun.... a run /walk & rest!!! Mon..... a short gym session......and rest.
I suppose i should wash my line breaks hahaha!
Chat later
Sending this from the cell... so no spell check. Apologies. :)
Wow..what a weekend.
I was quite concerned with the lead up to Two Oceans, we had done 60km worth of running done during the week leading up to the race. The Friday morning i woke up to stiff and heavy legs. The whole time i told myself i must keep my eyes on the final goal and not worry about the race.....but ...... it would be a bonus if we could have a comfortable run and sneak in under 5hrs. Friday... this didnt look promising.
On Friday, Andrew gave me a pair of Line Break compression tights and socks..... well.... I think they worked!!!! I put them on for the whole of Friday and wore the tights under my race shorts on Saturday.
On Saturday when i woke up at 4:45 to get ready for the race i could feel my legs were already feeling better.
At 5:45 we were outside Nino's waiting to hook up with Chris Allan before race the start @ 6:25. At 6:20 we in the starting shute chatting to Lisa.
The goal was to run just under 5 mins per km the whole way. hahaha ........ the Nek @ 5 mins/km haha... right.
Technicaly we ran a great race, at no point moving away from our planned splits.... even when were tempted to race a little. km by km passed... chappies was a non event for us, before we knew it were running under the marathon mark @ 3:20ish. I knew then that a sub 5 was on the cards now.
Up the nek we went and passed the Hout Bay supporters... we definitely ran here! Once we were out of sight ... a short walk was called for...... alas..... caught on TV....the whole of SA saw us walking...hahahaha. From there we picked up the pace and finished in 4:34. It was a great day out. Andrew looked so easy the whole way!
Thanks to everyone who came to support... and Carla for all the driving around!!
Sun.... a run /walk & rest!!! Mon..... a short gym session......and rest.
I suppose i should wash my line breaks hahaha!
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