Incidentally the Namib challenge starts this weekend!
Good luck to Linda, Kris & Jonathan - and to all the participants!!!!
How Long Until Racing The Planet: Nepal
Countdown to Racing The Planet: Nepal
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I am sooooo busted
It was with great shock to see when last I blogged.
Ok, to brief it, I've been working my ass off in the ass end of the world (in Worcestor of all places) on a new project for a new client. It's been a tough go of it prohect wise, and just when I was finally starting to see the light, we finsihed one project and jumped straight into the next, but at least business is good :)
I've been trying hard to fit my training in around this, sometimes more successful than others, but last week ended up being a bit of a disaster, after not training for three or four days, I came down ith a hectic stomach bug that had me absolutely floored. I was supposed to do the West Coast marathon, and made the executive decision to just CHILL and do my own thing without answering to anyone or a program.
It turned into quite a nice training weekend after all of it, I jumped on my bike - and believe it or not - but manage to go down most of the hills with only touching brakes about 15 to 19 times - hahahaha well not quite that bad, but anyone who has ridden with me knows that I have always been a bad at the downs, and since my accident I have just been plain SHIT, but I think I moved back to just plain bad on the bike on Saturday. Not to say that I wasnt stuffed after, and my tummy wasn't great, but managed a longish run on Sunday and even an open water swim.
Tail between my legs, I sent mail to Ian on Monday morning, it must have been a bit of telepathy, 'cos my mail left just as his "Where are you, what have you been doing, have you fallen off the face of the Earth" email came through.
Expecting the worse (hey, this is me after all!?!) he actually said that I probably did the right thing and not to try and play catch up with the training, so back to scheduled programming this week and entering the taper phase. (Gulp)
Time to start planning food, kit, clothes, etc - have a couple of ideas.
This weekend, I wasnt to use to test my bike stuff out to make a decision what wheels to ride with.
Anyway, hopefully I can get my shit together to blog more often, will try not to be so bad and take sooooo long.
Till then
Ok, to brief it, I've been working my ass off in the ass end of the world (in Worcestor of all places) on a new project for a new client. It's been a tough go of it prohect wise, and just when I was finally starting to see the light, we finsihed one project and jumped straight into the next, but at least business is good :)
I've been trying hard to fit my training in around this, sometimes more successful than others, but last week ended up being a bit of a disaster, after not training for three or four days, I came down ith a hectic stomach bug that had me absolutely floored. I was supposed to do the West Coast marathon, and made the executive decision to just CHILL and do my own thing without answering to anyone or a program.
It turned into quite a nice training weekend after all of it, I jumped on my bike - and believe it or not - but manage to go down most of the hills with only touching brakes about 15 to 19 times - hahahaha well not quite that bad, but anyone who has ridden with me knows that I have always been a bad at the downs, and since my accident I have just been plain SHIT, but I think I moved back to just plain bad on the bike on Saturday. Not to say that I wasnt stuffed after, and my tummy wasn't great, but managed a longish run on Sunday and even an open water swim.
Tail between my legs, I sent mail to Ian on Monday morning, it must have been a bit of telepathy, 'cos my mail left just as his "Where are you, what have you been doing, have you fallen off the face of the Earth" email came through.
Expecting the worse (hey, this is me after all!?!) he actually said that I probably did the right thing and not to try and play catch up with the training, so back to scheduled programming this week and entering the taper phase. (Gulp)
Time to start planning food, kit, clothes, etc - have a couple of ideas.
This weekend, I wasnt to use to test my bike stuff out to make a decision what wheels to ride with.
Anyway, hopefully I can get my shit together to blog more often, will try not to be so bad and take sooooo long.
Till then
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