The week so far has been interesting - I've been busy at work - even managed to do my first month end on my own.
The training has been successful - sort of - have not reached the proper distances as per program on some of the sessions, but doing the best I can under the circumstances.
The weather in the first couple of days has been Cape Town summer - Tuesday especially was 42 degrees when I left my client in Worcestor to race back to do my long run - Tuesday was a bit of stress bunny day - when you've got a commitment after work and you watching the clock knowing its a two hour drive back home. Anyway, done and dusted and looking forward to the weekend now.
On an amusing note though - and here's where a little back story comes into play - I have two messed up shoulders, one where the collar bone points freakishly skyward and another that I hurt as a combination of my neck injuries in my bike accident and a trip down the Zambezi (don't ask) anyway, I can't really do backstroke in the pool as my arms don't bend backwards without a clicking, grinding sound that I could seriously do without, so I just do crawl when we have to do backstroke at squad - btw I actually suck at all other strokes except crawl, I learnt to swim very late in life - but last night I attempted to do butterfly.
Well I got two strokes in when my right shoulder clicked out AND my neck went into spasm, and I am waiting for it to loosen up a bit so I can click it back into place.
All this exercise is particularly bad for one's health hahhaah
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