Hi everyone,
Made it through block weekend unscathed, so to speak. All of the days were basically running for time as opposed to distance.
I had a bit of a task as well because I had to try and play around with some variables to get to the bottom of my nausea. The problem I have, and it sounds really funny, but I cannot swallow food when my heart rate is high. I chew and chew and chew but cannot get the swallow reflex to happen. I started Saturday's long run with some bars but found myself after about three and a half hours firstly unable to get passed one and a half bars, and very hypoglycaemic. I managed to trudge on to the top of MacClears beacon at just under four hours, thinking "Oh well, here we go again, Rob and Ryan will have to wait for Andrew again". I chugged some Myoplex down and we started back down towards Constantia Nek. Anyone who has run with me knows I absolutely suck at descending, it's probably worse since my ankle incident because the natural instinct for survival kicks in and I brake everytime I get to a technical section instead of just relaxing into it. As we started down the mountain, I watched the other two slowly (well, not that slowly) pull away from me and I though, well this is nothing new. I still had a bit of the shakes but trundled on regardless, Rob stopped for me to catch up a bit, and asked how I was doing - at that stage I was starting to feel a bit better, after ten minutes I felt like nothing had happened at all...and stranger than strange, I caught myself tackling the technical down sections without actually overthinking it, just looking for a place to put my foot down, and found myself...and I think I was having fun.
Okay, so now its probably going to rain for ME having that, but its true.
Technically, I don't have the experience or strength of my running buddies, but it didn't matter for once.
Sunday's run was one of my favourites - throught the Constantia green belt. The Klaasenbosch trail always feels so Tolkien, and it was great to have the girls with us - Carla, Alison & Sandra who are all three in the final preparation for IronMan next weekend. My pack felt heavy on Sunday, even though it was a shorter run than Saturday, but managed.
The time left is now not that much.
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