How Long Until Racing The Planet: Nepal

Countdown to Racing The Planet: Nepal

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hot as hell

4:45 was wake up time today. I had to drag Carla out of bed - hahahaha she was mad at the world this morning, but she cheered up once we were on the road. At 5am the temp was already about 26c. HECTIC. Today is gonna cook.

We did a 15km with the usual suspects - Carla, Andie, Ali, Trevor (without iPod - thank goodness)and Linda (the now GoMulti trail runner of the year :)) I thought it was an awesome run but I think it has given me a little taste of the heat I can expect this evening when I run.

Thanks guys for an awesome one today!!!

Tomorrow - a long day again. This is the proposed route. We will start at Rhodes Mem then run from there (with packs of course) up Devils Peak, down to the Saddle then - get this ..... across Knifes Edge (o my word) up ledges (double - o my word) to the top of Maclears. Then Andie and I will trot through the Valley of the Red Gods across the 12 Apostles down Llandudno corner into Llandudno, across to Sandy Bay up the dunes ... etc. I will run with a GPS for this so I can download profile data for our QlikView model that we are using to analyse our training data and route profiles.

Chow for now


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