How Long Until Racing The Planet: Nepal

Countdown to Racing The Planet: Nepal

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Big One

I was very, very worried about today's run - I've been feeling very weak and flat the whole week, so I just decided no matter how bad I feel, I am just going to put one foot in front of the other and plod on until the clock hits the six hour mark.
I am soooo positive, I scare myself!!!! I decided to put one less litre of bottle of water into my pack than usual, just in case - and ran in my Linebreak compression shorts - also just in case.
We went back to "grabbing some peaks" today with the original team, myself, Rob, Janette and Ian. I felt good on the first two Peaks, because we were joking around, I must admit I had a lot of fun - I took some strain on the BlackHill side, as we ascended into the mist, my chest closed up a bit, but I just trudged on and eventually got there.
When we got back to the road - we decided that Ian and Janette would run back to the car while Rob and I ran towards Ou Kaapse Weg and try and get Bokkop in as well - Peak Number 30.
That peak was an easier climb up, but I got a little nervous coming down for some reason, we came down along the ledge and I felt a bit unsteady jumping from rock to rock - I'd land and then I'd feel the weight of the pack behind me land a split second later - its a weird feeling. From there we split up and Rob and I ran up Wagon Trail to Silvermine.
I haven't really been back to Wagon Trail - and more specifically Elephant's Eye - since my ankle incident - it was good to revisit it.
From Silvermine we headed towards another personal fear - Blackburn Ravine. We laughed on the way, because I actually met Rob and Carla registering for my very first trail run The Fisherman's Trail Challenge and I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY hated coming down Blackburn - I had no idea how to run it and I have never run DOWN BB ravine since. We started down - and I ended up having a lot of fun stomping down the mountain - I just relaxed and tried to concentrate on landing correctly!
Rob - half mountain goat anyway - had to wait twice for me to catch up, but it was so comfortable and the view is unbelievable.
We eventually got down to the road at 5:33 and made a slow way back home to finish at 5:59 (hows that for timing?).
I am sooo happy I got through it - got home and jumped back into my long tights - Just got to get through tomorrow and block weekend 3 is DONE

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