How Long Until Racing The Planet: Nepal

Countdown to Racing The Planet: Nepal

Friday, March 6, 2009

Early morning today with not a whole hell of a lot of sleep - it was so hot and my sleeping is not great - I have, at the best of times, transient insomnia - but coupled with a disturbing incident at my house a couple of months ago, I don't sleep at all to begin with.
Last night was one of those nights where you don't dare move for fear of breaking out in beads of sweat from the effort, so to get up at 4:15 to be in Hout Bay by 5:00am wasn't exactly easy, but armed with my trustly Petzl headlamp, we started and it turned out to be a good, (what I thought was) well paced run with the usual group of fellow "crazies" who are also up at that time of the morning! I sometimes wonder if the so-called normal people who always tell me "oh, it's easy for you, you have more time on your hands" realise that there is a lot you can do if you actually get out of bed....Anyway, was sitting at my desk by 8:10 and ready - I think - to tackle a client issue that I honestly am not in the mood to do, but guess will have to press on through.

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